1. Composition of Committees of the Assembly;- (Standing Order 169)
Pursuant to standing order 169, subject to any written law, the Standing Orders or a Resolution of the County Assembly, Select Committees shall consist of an odd number of Members of County Assembly, not being less than eleven (11) and not more than seventeen (17).
2. Chairing of Select Committees;- (Standing Order 170-171)
A Select Committee shall, upon appointment, elect its chairperson and vice-chairperson from amongst its members. The Clerk shall appoint a place, date and time for the first meeting of a Committee within seven days of its constitution, or such further period as the Speaker may approve, and as soon as a majority of the Committee is present, the Clerk shall, by a secret ballot, conduct the election of the chairperson and vice-chairperson of the Committee.
3. Powers and Privileges of Committees;- (Standing Order 183)
Committees shall enjoy and exercise all the powers and privileges bestowed on the County Assembly by the Constitution and statute, including the power to summon witnesses, receive evidence and to request for and receive papers and documents from the Government and the public.
4. Public Access to meetings of Committees;- (Standing Order 190)
Article 196 of the Constitution provides that County Assembly and all its Committees shall conduct its business in an open manner and hold its sittings in public; and facilitate public participation and involvement. All Committee proceedings shall be open to the public unless in exceptional circumstances the Speaker has determined that there are justifiable reasons for the exclusion of the public