Labour and Social Welfare

Establishment of the Committee

The Sectoral Committee on Labour and Social Welfare was established on Thursday 27th October, 2022, pursuant to the provisions of the Standing Order 209(1).

Functions of the Committee

Pursuant to the Provisions of the Standing Order 209 (6), the functions of the Committee are to-

  1. Investigate, inquire into, and report on all matters relating to the mandate, management, activities, administration, operations and estimates of the department;
  2. Study the programme and policy objectives of the department and the effectiveness of the implementation;
  3. Study and review all county legislation referred to it;
  4. Study, assess and analyze the relative success of the department as measured by the results obtained as compared with their stated objectives;
  5. Investigate and inquire into all matters relating to the department as they may deem necessary, and as may be referred to them by the county assembly;
  6. To vet and report on all appointments where the constitution or any law requires the county assembly to approve, except those under standing order 196 (committee on appointments); and
  7. Make reports and recommendations to the county assembly as often as possible, including recommendation of proposed legislation.

Subject Area of the Committee

The Third Schedule to the County Assembly Standing Orders provides that the Committee is to consider all matters relating to labour, trade union relations, manpower or human resource planning; County Public Service; gender and social welfare, youth.

In the execution of its functions, the Committee is assisted by a Clerk Assistant who is a non-partisan officer, i.e serves all members of the Committee and representatives of all parties equally.

The Secretariat comprises of

Ms. Kanana RoseEdna – Firts Clerk Assistant


# Document Title Document Date Document Type Download
1 15th March, 2023 Induction Report of the Sectoral Committee on Labour and Social Welfare held from
2 11th April, 2023 Report of the Sectoral Committee on Labour and Social Welfare on the inquiry regarding the absorption of Inspectorate officers employed by Nairobi Metropolitan (NMS)
3 Vetting Of The Chief Officer PSM Report
4 Report Of Labour Committee On Vetting Of County Public Service Board Members Report
5 Paper Laid Report On The Vetting Of The Candidates For The County Public Service Board Positions Report
6 Inquiry Into The Deteriorating State Of City Stadium Report
7 County Public Service Board Report Report

27th June 2023

  1. Consideration of pending statements
  2. Tabling of a petition by Elizabeth Wanjiru Gichuru, a former employee of Nairobi Water and Swerage Company Limited

27th June 2023

  1. Consideration of response to statement reports


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