Subject: Special Audit on the compliance and operations of the Built Environment and Urban Planning.

THAT, aware that Paragraph 8 of Part Two of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution of Kenya provides for the functions of the County Governments which include planning, housing and land survey and mapping. Further aware that the Nairobi County urban planning and housing department has suffered critical management issues, organizational deficiencies and unfavorable social economic conditions that have led to poor urban planning and development. Concerned that lack of efficient enforcement of buildings and planning legal framework has led to environmental degradation, haphazard physical developments, and increased level of pollution across Nairobi and disaster such as collapsed buildings. Further concerned that the sector of land, urban planning, renewal, housing and project management is under staffed and the available offices are not adequately facilitated to undertake their duties which may have contributed to increasing disaster where Nairobi residents have lost their lives and property due to unscrupulous standard building and construction works approved by the sector. Noting that even with such blatant failure, no one has been held responsible to date for the endless disasters that bedevil the city due to lack of accountability within the planning department that fuels approval of substandard and illegal construction works, except knee jack revamp reaction of interdiction and dismissals. Realizing that if nothing is done urgently to revamp the sector, the city risks continued avoidable loss of lives through disaster this Assembly resolves that the County Executive in conjunction with the Office of the Auditor General conduct a special audit on the compliance and operations of the built environment and urban planning sector with a view to establish an effective, efficient and reliable department that can better plan and organize the city and report within 6 months upon approval of this Motion.
Notice of Motion 21st March, 2023
Mover Hon. Antony Kimemiah, MCA
Seconder Hon. Emily Oduor, MCA
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 6th June, 2023
Remarks Adopted
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