Subject: Separation of Enforcement and Compliance units for efficiency in service delivery

Subject: Separation of Enforcement and Compliance units for efficiency in service delivery           THAT, aware that four functions namely; County Health Service; County Transport service; County public works, utilities and ancillary services; and, County government Planning and development were transferred to the Nairobi Metropolitan Services; DEEPLY CONCERNED that tussles continue to persist between NMS and County Executive which have resulted into provision of poor services and creation of two centers of power; RECOGNIZING that Nairobi City County Inspectorate Service Act, 2017 is intended to provide for proper organization of functions and powers of the Inspectorate Unit in the County; REGRETTING that police officers seconded from the National Police Service are now taking orders from Directors and supervisors who are non –uniformed civilians; a practice which is not ideal for proper functioning of the security, enforcement and compliance department of the County; OBSERVING that selective secondment of enforcement officers to the Nairobi Metropolitan Services segregated the more experienced and senior Officers who now feel greatly underutilized and disenfranchised; an issue that is confounding the much needed synergy and seamless working relationship amongst the enforcement officers; NOTING that lack of proper modus operandi and chain of command coupled with selective choice of officers seconded to NMS would compromise efficiency in the enforcement unit; this ASSEMBLY URGES the County Executive and Nairobi Metropolitan Services to  administratively develop a framework solely intended to  make Enforcement a completely separate and distinct unit from Compliance with ideal and proper chain of command that will enhance service delivery.
Notice of Motion 1st December, 2020
Mover Hon. Charles Thuo, MCA
Seconder Hon. Peter Wanyoike, MCA - Deputy Majority Leader
Division None
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 1st December, 2020
Remarks Adopted
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