Subject: Rehabilitation and modernization of County Parks.

               THAT aware that Paragraph Four of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution of Kenya 2010 provides for the functions and powers of County Governments as amongst others cultural activities, public entertainment and public amenities including county parks, beaches and recreational facilities. Recognizing that parks and green spaces occupy a critical place in the urban environment, providing opportunity for recreation and wellness as well as environmental management promotion and sustainability for urban communities. Observing that in furtherance of this critical role of the Nairobi City County currently retains operates and maintains various parks and green spaces including Uhuru Park, Central Park, Michuki Memorial Park, Geevanjee Gardens, Jamhuri Park, Uhuru Gardens. Acknowledging the rehabilitation of urban parks and green spaces in Nairobi City County was a presidential legacy project, which needed the full support of the County. Concerned that the status of some of the parks and green spaces has waned over the decades as maintenance, management and renovation have not kept pace with growth in the urban population and demands for the use of the parks by city residents. Further concerned that the negligence and poor state of this repair of the facilities and amenities at some parks have become hideouts for criminals.Noting that while the previous administration through the Nairobi Metropolitan Services NMS invested heavily in the renovation of Michuki Memorial park, Uhuru Park, Central Park which investment will greatly boost the usage of the parks with ever greater numbers expected to visit the refurbished parks on a daily basis. The same has not materialized for various other parks in the County such as Jamhuri park, City park which remain in a state of disrepair. This Assembly resolves that the County Executive urgently develop a strategy and measures to rehabilitate all county parks across the County with a view of restoring them to;-
  1. Modern aesthetics for recreational areas
  2. Botanical spaces;
  3. Facilities for outdoor event; and,
All such related undertakings as are essential to modernize and beautify the parks.
Notice of Motion 1st January, 1970
Mover Hon. Nasra Nandah ob behalf of Hon. Waithera Chege
Seconder Hon. Davidson Ngibuini, MCA
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 21st March, 2023
Remarks Adopted
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