Subject: Provision of fully equipped ambulances in Wards

THAT, aware that Article 43 Sub-Article (1) (a) and  (2) of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 provides that every person has the right, to the highest attainable standard of health, which includes the right to health care services and that a person shall not be denied emergency medical treatment; further aware that Health Services including County Health facilities, promotion of primary health care and ambulance services have been devolved to the County Governments pursuant to paragraph 2 of Part Two of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution; concerned that emergency care still remains underdeveloped and underequipped  both in public and private health facilities where victims and survivors of road accidents, terrorism, poisoning, fires, collapsed buildings, disease or epidemics are exposed to avoidable death; acknowledging that Ambulance services are the primary providers of a 24/7 response to medical and trauma related emergencies; noting that lack of proper emergency services in Nairobi County contributes significantly as the cause of thousands of deaths every year, this Assembly urges the County Executive to provide at least one fully equipped ambulance with well-trained emergency medical care personnel in every Ward and establish medical emergency policy and charter in the County.
Notice of Motion 19th March, 2019
Mover Hon. Daniel Ngengi, MCA
Seconder Hon. Jared Akama, MCA
Division None
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 24th April, 2019
Remarks Adopted
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