Subject: Provide Adolescent and Youth Friendly Health Services

                   THAT, aware that Article 43 (1) of the Constitution provides that every person
has the right to the highest attainable standards of health, which includes the right to health care services, including reproductive healthcare; further aware that Health Services including County Health facilities and primary health care have been devolved to the County Governments pursuant to paragraph 2 of Part Two of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution; disturbed that the attainment of the foregoing objective remains a challenge given the dire shortage of health workers and equipment within the County; further disturbed that while access and use of high-quality and comprehensive sexual reproductive health services could prevent or mitigate many of the poor health outcomes experienced among adolescents and youth; noting that, a wide range of barriers including socio-cultural and structural barriers prevent young people from accessing these services; acknowledging that the National Government has developed
the National Guidelines on Provision of Adolescents and Youth Friendly Services across the Country, this Assembly urges the County Executive in conjunction with the Nairobi Metropolitan Services to: -
1. develop the County Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health Strategy Paper;

2. domesticate the National Guidelines for Provision of Adolescents and Youth Friendly Services with necessary modifications to improve availability, accessibility, acceptability and use of quality sexual and reproductive health services by adolescents and youth seeking services in all the County Health facilities within the Coun

Notice of Motion 1st January, 1970
Mover Millicent Jagero, MCA
Seconder Hon. Mbugua Kabiro, MCA
Division None
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 31st March, 2022
Remarks Adopted
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