Subject: Mechanisms to facilitate payment of rates for disputed lands

             THAT, AWARE that many parcels of land within Nairobi county do not have
titles or other final ownership documents; DEEPLY CONCERNED that many landowners only have letters of allotment, certificates of ownership, share certificates, other similar provisional documents; NOTING that many pieces of land have ownership disputes, some pending in the courts and other dispute resolution tribunals and institutions which take years to be resolved; RECOGNIZING that many of such parcels of land have already been developed with the owners of such land willing to pay land rates and indeed the law requires rates to be paid by whoever is claiming ownership of any such property; APPRECIATING that the County through the Deed of Transfer of Functions engaged the services of the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) to collect rates, by which the KRA has required ownership and identity documents and KRA Pin Certificates before permitting payment of rates; REGRETTING that the demand for these documents has seen many land holders remain unable to provide the documents required by KRA hence are barred from paying rates, even though these parties remain willing to pay rates, notably during the penalty waiver arrangements; REALIZING that the County is losing revenue running into hundreds of millions of shillings due to the aforesaid failure to pay rates owing to the demands by KRA; NOW THEREFORE, this Assembly URGES the County Executive and the NMS to put in
place measures to ensure rates are collected from all land holders including where only
provisional ownership documents are available, including where there are ownership
disputes pending in court or other tribunal/institutions.

Notice of Motion 1st January, 1970
Mover Hon. Peter Wanyoike, MCA - Deputy Majority Leader
Seconder Hon. Mbugua Kabiro, MCA
Division None
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 17th February, 2022
Remarks Adopted
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