Subject: Establishment of County Rehabilitation Centres

             THAT, aware that Article 55 of the Constitution provides for the State to take
measures, including affirmative action programmes to ensure that the youth have opportunities to associate, be represented and participate in political, social, economic
and other spheres of life, access employment and are protected from harmful cultural
practices and exploitation; further aware that Part Two of the Fourth Schedule to the
Constitution provides for the functions of the County Government which include ensuring and coordinating the participation of communities and locations in governance at the local level and assisting communities and locations to develop the administrative capacity for the effective exercise of the functions and powers and participation in governance at the local level; acknowledging that the functions of public entertainment and public amenities including liquor control, county recreation facilities and sports activities and facilities are vested in County Governments pursuant to paragraph 4 of Part Two of the Fourth schedule to the Constitution; concerned that high expectations, disappointing employment and life prospects, and marginalization among residents of Nairobi especially youth, fuels frustration and desperation and in
response, some of these youths have turned to criminal behavior, violence, substance abuse, commercial sex work and even suicide, which have negative repercussions and contribute to growing physical insecurity in the society as a whole; noting that Section 5 of the Nairobi City County Alcoholic Drinks Control and Licensing Act 2014 provides for the functions of the Board which include establishment of treatment and rehabilitation facilities and programs for persons dependent on alcoholic drinks in each Ward; further noting that Part V of the Act establishes a fund which is to be used to promote cessation and rehabilitation programs in the County, this Assembly urges the County Executive to establish a treatment and rehabilitation centre in each Sub-County to serve as an information hub and treatment referral service for alcoholics and develop programs that are geared toward treating and rehabilitating alcoholics in the County.

Notice of Motion 5th August, 2021
Mover Hon. Mark Mugambi, MCA
Seconder Hon. Peter Imwatok, MCA - Minority Whip
Division None
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 14th September, 2021
Remarks Adopted
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