Subject: Each speech in a debate on any Motion, including a Special motion be limited.

THAT, notwithstanding the provisions of Standing Order 103(4), this Assembly orders that, each speech in a debate on any Motion, including a Special motion be limited in the following manner:- A maximum of three hours with not more than twenty (20) minutes for the Mover and ten (10) minutes for each other Member speaking, except the Leader of the Majority Party and the Leader of the Minority Party, who shall be limited to a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes each, and that ten (10) minutes before the expiry of the time, the Mover shall be called upon to reply; and that priority in speaking be accorded to the Leader of the Majority Party, the Leader of the Minority Party and the Chairperson of the relevant Sectoral Committee, in that Order.
Notice of Motion 1st January, 1970
Mover Hon. Hassan I. Abdi, MCA - Leader of the Majority Party
Seconder Hon. John Kamangu, MCA –Deputy Speaker
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 3rd October, 2017
Remarks Adopted.
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