Subject: Award Of At Least 30% Of All County Tenders To Youth, Women And Vulnerable Groups

THAT, aware that the County Government has expressed its support and willingness to adhere to the requirement for the award of at least 30% of all County tenders to youth, women and vulnerable groups; further aware that the initiative is timely and crucial in mitigating unemployment and poverty amongst young Nairobi residents; serious capital challenges have arisen making it impossible for the favored groups to supply the goods required in various tenders; deeply concerned that the target groups don’t always necessarily have the capital to take care of Local Purchase Orders (LPOs) issued to them amounting to millions of shillings and thus losing out on the tender awards; noting that LPOs can be used as guarantee against Bank loans to ensure banks don’t suffer loses by deducting monies from the said group’s accounts once paid for supplying goods, while enabling the youths to access financing facilities for their businesses; this Assembly urges the Nairobi County Government to consider partnering with friendly Commercial Banks where the said groups hold accounts in order to provide loans against LPOs issued by the Nairobi City County Government which can then be repaid when the goods are supplied and the LPO paid for by the County government to enable the target groups benefit fully from the 30% allocated to them.
Notice of Motion 15th April, 2014
Mover Hon. David Mberia, MCA, The Majority Whip.
Seconder Hon. Michael Wainaina, MCA.
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 24th April, 2014
Remarks Considered and Negatived.
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