Subject: Renaming of Kapiti Crescent Road to Joe Kadenge Crescent Road

         THAT, aware that Article 186 (1) of the Constitution ofKenya,2010, and paragraph 5 of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution provide for the functions and powers of County Government on County transport including county roads, street lighting, public road transport traffic and parking; further aware that the Country hassince independence named and renamed roads to honour heroes and heroines who have contributed immensely to the development of the Republic; noting that the naming of roads and other public places after heroes and heroines bestows honor and shows gratitude to such people; concerned that there are heroines and heroes who have not had similar honors bestowed upon them despite their immense contributions to this Country; recognizing that road names have been changed before to reflect names and places with significance to Kenyans e.g. Sadler Street was renamed Koinange Street, Lord Delamere Avenue renamed Kenyatta Avenue, Government Avenue to Moi Avenue, Forest Road to Prof. Wangari Maathai Road amongst others, this Assembly resolves that the Nairobi County Government rename Kapiti Crescent Road in Nairobi South Ward to Joe Kadenge Crescent Road in honour of the football icon who was a resident of Nairobi South area and was regarded as the finest footballer to ever grace the Country's football scene as evident in his valiant efforts in guiding Harambee Stars to win the inaugural East and Central Africa Challenge Cup.
Notice of Motion 1st January, 1970
Mover Hon. Waithera Chege, MCA - Deputy Majority Whip
Seconder Hon. Daniel Muturi, MCA
Division None
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 23rd March, 2021
Remarks Adopted
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