Subject: Honoring Heroes And Heroines.

THAT, aware that the naming of roads and streets is a traditional mode of honoring our heroes and heroines and places in Kenya; noting that Kenyans have for years named places and roads in all towns and villages across the Country in ways that bequeath honor and history; deeply concerned that this important tradition is at risk thanks to unplanned naming of key roads with places that bear no history nor significance for Kenyans, for instance Mogadishu Road, Monrovia Road, Lagos Road, Kampala Road, among others; further noting that road names have been changed before to reflect names and places with significance to Kenyans e.g. Sadler Street was renamed Koinange Street and Lord Delamere Avenue renamed Kenyatta Avenue amongst others, this Assembly resolves that the County Government immediately review all road names with a view to changing those that carry no meaning to Nairobi residents and Kenyans at large with names of heroes, heroines and renown places across the Country
Notice of Motion 8th October, 2014
Mover Hon. David Mberia, MCA, The Majority Whip.
Seconder Hon. Peter Wahinya, MCA.
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 24th February, 2014
Remarks Adopted.
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