Subject: Removal Of Barriers Erected On Public Roads By The Runda Residents Association

THAT, aware that under the Article 186 (1) of the Constitution of Kenya, and Fourth Schedule, the functions and powers of County Government, among others, covers roads, street lighting, electricity, water and sanitation provision; further aware that County Governments can impose taxes and rates under section 109(3) of the constitution, a function which hasn’t been devolved to other entities; deeply concerned that the Runda Residents Association and Runda Water Ltd have been demanding gate passes, and charging for them and for road use, and erecting barriers preventing some vehicles from accessing public roads in Runda Estate, which is a clear breach of the Constitution and conditions under which Runda Association/Runda Water Ltd were allowed to operate the barriers by the defunct Nairobi City Council; this Assembly resolves that the County Government remove or order the removal of all the barriers erected on public roads by the Runda Residents Association and illegal levy of charges by the said Association and Runda Water Ltd with immediate effect.
Notice of Motion 20th June, 2014
Mover Hon. Kamau Thuo, MCA
Seconder Hon. Elias Okumu, MCA – Leader of Majority Party
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 3rd July, 2014
Remarks Adopted.
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