Subject: Increase In The Number Of Hawkers.

THAT, aware that recent years have witnessed a marked increase in the number of hawkers in the Nairobi City Central Business District (CBD) and its environs; further aware that there has been a problem between hawkers and licensed rent-paying business entities who compete for the limited space available within the CBD and its environs; deeply concerned that the way hawkers are treated by the City County inspectorate and enforcement is wanting; noting that these hawkers are Kenyan youths and women who try to earn a living by hawking due to unemployment which is a nightmare for both the National and the County Governments; this Assembly urges the County Government to create a framework to ensure a balance between the interests of the licensed rent-paying entities and hawkers who get their daily bread from hawking by allowing hawkers to use designated areas within the CBD to carry out their businesses within specific time in order to avoid running battles with the City County inspectorate department.
Notice of Motion 17th June, 2014
Mover Hon. Abdi Mohammed, MCA.
Seconder Hon. Kamau Thuo, MCA.
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 1st July, 2014
Remarks Debated on and withdrawn.
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