Subject: County planning and Development.

AWARE, that Part XI of the County Governments Act, 2012 provides extensively for County Planning, flowing from the Devolved functions of County governments under Part II of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution; FURTHER AWARE that Part V of the Urban Areas and Cities Act, 2011 provides for Integrated County Planning, amongst which are obligations bestowed on the County such as County integrated development planning, County sectoral plans, County spatial planning amongst others; NOTING that Nairobi has over the years metamorphosed with an ever increasing population and greater demand for housing and consequently for physical planning services; DEEPLY CONCERNED that physically planning throughout the City has largely not kept pace with the ever changing City landscape and demand for housing, especially as regards the City’s zoning policy, with areas that initially had no proper public infrastructure such as sewage system not allowed to have multi-dwelling developments; FURTHER NOTING that currently many parts of Nairobi city are experiencing immense development pressure, which population growth rate is particularly exerting pressure on the low-density residential neighborhoods; BEARING IN MIND that Nairobi City has not had a comprehensive plan since the Metropolitan Growth Strategy of 1973, which expired in the year 2000; UNDERSCORING that its expiry points to the urgency for a review of the Zoning policy formulated in the 1970s when Nairobi had a small population, which has since tripled tenfold; RECOGNIZING that if the zoning policy is not reviewed to allow the development of affordable multi-dwelling housing to meet demand in low density neighborhoods, the housing crisis will continue to grow, for instance the re-zoning of Zones 4, including Spring Valley, Riverside Drive, Kileleshwa, Kilimani, Thompson and Woodley and Zone 5, which includes Upper Spring Valley, Kyuna, Loresho and Lavington/Bernard Estate and Zone 15, which includes Dagoretti; OBSERVING that since both the National and County Government have already heavily invested in infrastructure development in the said zones it is prudent that the zoning policy be reviewed to reflect existing circumstances and allow the County benefit from the development of more housing in the said areas; this Assembly urges the County Executive to amend the zoning policy to allow for multi-dwelling developments in areas that public infrastructure as developed by the County and National government allows.
Notice of Motion 30th November, 2017
Mover Hon. Anthony Kiragu Karanja, MCA.
Seconder Hon. Hassan I. Abdi, MCA - Leader of the Majority Party
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 6th December, 2017
Remarks Approved (conveyed to Executive on 7/12/2017)
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