
THAT, aware that Paragraph 8 of Part Two of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution of Kenya 2010 provides for the functions of the County Government which include planning, housing and land survey and mapping. Furtheraware that paragraph 14 of Part Two of the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution provides for the function of ensuring and coordinating and the participation of communities and location in governance at the local level and assisting communities and locations to develop administrative capacity for the effective exercise or the function and power and participation in governance at the local level and the county government. Acknowledging that the county government developed an urban renewal programme, which is anchored in the Nairobi Integrated Urban Development Master Plan that identified the need to redevelop old developments and their related social and physical infrastructure within the County. Noting that the County Government has prepared the Eastland’s urban renewal masterplan with the support of the World Bank and the state department for housing and urban development especially focusing on the redevelopment of the Eastlands area. Concerned that the County Government has advertised tenders for proposal for design, finance, building and sale of affordable housing through a joint venture in the nine identified areas such as Lumumba, Jericho, Woodley and Ziwani estate amongst others without adequate public participation. Further acknowledging the effort by the County Government to fulfil the provision of Article 43 of the Constitution on the right to accessible and adequate housing. This Assembly urges the County Executive to undertake a comprehensive public participation on the proposed projects in the identified area to address pending questions by the residents before commencing the works.
Notice of Motion 21st March, 2023
Mover Hon. Antony Kimemiah, MCA
Seconder Hon. Silas Matara, MCA
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 23rd March, 2023
Remarks Adopted
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