Subject: Enforcement of speed limits and other traffic rules across all county roads.

THAT, aware that under Article 186 (1) of the Constitution of Kenya and Paragraph Five of the Second Part of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution, the functions and powers of County Governments among others, include County transport, County roads, street lighting, public road transport, traffic and parking; further aware that the city has designated zebra crossings throughout the City County roads; noting that in recent years we have witnessed a much increased number of vehicles plying various routes in the County as well as increased pedestrian population; concerned that most County roads have a limited marks as speed limits and zebra crossings which has led to increased traffic congestion and accidents including deaths to pedestrians caused by speeding motorists; further noting that the few available legal speed limits and zebra crossings points were done long time ago when the city had few vehicles and pedestrian population; this Assembly urges the County Executive to:- i.      Undertake an audit of all County roads with a view of re-designating more speed limit areas and increase pedestrian crossings where necessary and rehabilitate the existing ones with visible signs to ease traffic flow and minimize road carnage across all county roads; and, ii.      Enforce the speed limits and other traffic rules with the aid of modern technology.
Notice of Motion 25th April, 2023
Mover Hon. Sospeter Mumbi, MCA
Seconder Hon. Davidson Ngibuini, MCA
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 27th June, 2023
Remarks Adopted
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