Subject: Development of a program to train youth on repair of streetlights.

THAT, aware that County transport, including County roads, traffic and parking, street lighting, public road transport is the function of County Government under Part Two of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution of Kenya, 2010; further aware that the Nairobi City County Government has invested heavily in installing high mast lights in various parts of the County to improve security in the County; concerned that most of the installed high mast lights have been vandalized and some have failed to function thus leaving many parts of the County in darkness for long periods due to poor and/or slow repair and maintenance of the public/street lights; cognizant that Nairobi City faces a major insecurity threat due to high rate of youth unemployment; acknowledging that the County has plans to light the entire City and turn it into a 24 hour economy, this Assembly urges the County Executive to the develop a program to identify and train youth in every Ward in repairing and maintenance of public/street lights within the County as a way of improving security and achieving a twenty-four (24) hour economy in the County.
Notice of Motion 25th April, 2023
Mover Hon. Sospeter Mumbi, MCA
Seconder Hon. Antony Maragu:
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 3rd May, 2023
Remarks Adopted
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