Subject: Removal of broken down vehicles in the County

THAT, aware that that Part 2 of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 apportions traffic and parking functions to the county government; acknowledging that Section 14 of the Nairobi City County Transport Act, 2020 prohibits any activities on road reserves and spells out the sanctions for violation of the same; cognizant that there are many vehicles in the County that are broken down and whose owners are unknown, and that such vehicles are often parked and left along main roads in estate roads and public spaces; further cognizant that car yard opening along major roads in the County also illegally park their units on public spaces, resorting to obstruction of public pedestrian walkways; concerned that such abandoned vehicles present obstructions to flow of traffic, mostly along pedestrian walkways, and that such vehicles provide inadvertent hiding spaces for criminals hence pre-exposing residents to security risks; further concerned that such activities on road reserves constitute encroachment onto road reserves that are meant for road construction related activities; noting that removal of such vehicles from public spaces will go a long way towards clearing up the most needed public spaces for the activities they are proposed for; now therefore, this County Assembly resolves that the County Executive:- i)   Issues a public notice asking the owners to remove all broken down vehicles and road construction equipment from any public spaces in the County or they be removed by the County at the owners cost at the expiry of a period of two months; ii)  Issues a public notice to all car yard owners to vacate any public spaces they operate within a period of one month at the expiry of which the County will enforce compliance through an operation of toying away the vehicles; and, iii) Through the County Executive Chief Officer for Security and Compliance, put in place measures for countywide operation to enforce the foregoing vacation notices to the specified timelines and continuously monitor any further violations for action.
Notice of Motion 3rd May, 2023
Mover Hon. Sospeter Mumbi, MCA
Seconder Hon. Silas Matara, MCA
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 13th September, 2023
Remarks Adopted
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