Subject: Regulations for all building plans for residential buildings to have parking spaces for tenants

THAT, aware that Article 196 (1) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and Paragraph 5 of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution provides that functions and powers of the County Government on County Transport, including regulation of county roads, street lighting and public road transport, traffic and parking; further aware that Paragraph 8 of Part 2 of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution, 2010 provides for County planning and development, including housing as a county function; acknowledging that recent years have witnessed increase of development of residential apartments within the county, and more so in informal areas; concerned that most residential buildings were built with inadequate parking places for the tenants; further concerned that most tenants have opted to parking their vehicles on the road reserves and pavements thus blocking other motorists, this has contributed to increased traffic snarl-ups in some residential areas in the County, especially during rush hours; this Assembly urges the County Executive to develop regulations to provide for all building plans for residential buildings to have adequate parking spaces for tenants
Notice of Motion 8th June, 2023
Mover Hon. Brian Ndavua, MCA
Seconder Hon. Anthony Kiragu, MCA (Minority Party Leader)
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 18th July, 2023
Remarks Adopted
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