Subject: Subject: Construction of a well-built purpose built Toi Market

 THAT, aware that Paragraph Two of Part Two of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 provides for the functions of the county government, which includes trade development and regulation of markets; further aware that the Toi Market in Kibra Constituency is one of the largest open air markets in Nairobi with over 5000 traders on outskirts of slums in Nairobi; deeply concerned that the rise of arson attacks on the informal markets in the county including Toi Market, often suspected with through human malicious act, has led to significant economic losses, social unrest and endangering the lives of traders and residents in Toi Markets; concerned that for the livelihood of traders in Toi, who have suffered significant losses due to repeatedly arson attacks and emphasizing the necessity of creating a safe and a sustainable trade environment for their economic well-being; now therefore, this Assembly urges the County Executive to allocate sufficient funding sources, including public private partnership grants or development loans to finance the construction of Toi Market, ensuring its timely completion and sustainability to undertake the construction of a well-planned purpose built market in affected Toi area with the following objectives:- i)   Enhance safety and security measures to prevent arson attacks through an electrified perimeter fence, installing advance fire suppression systems, robust security cameras and employing adequate security personnel, including deployment of inspectorate officers; ii)  Providing proper infrastructure and facilities including sheltered stalls, storage areas, sanitation facilities and utilities to ensure conducive trading environment for the Toi Market traders; iii) Collaborating with administrative authorities, community leaders and stakeholders to ensure the design and construction of Toi Market are inclusive, meeting the specific needs of traders and the community at large of the Kibra area.
Notice of Motion 15th June, 2023
Mover Hon. Peter Imwatok, MCA & Leader of the Majority Party
Seconder Hon. Paul Kados, MCA (Deputy Speaker)
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 21st June, 2023
Remarks Adopted
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