Subject: Subject: Development of a Nairobi City County Broadcasting Policy

        AWARE that Article 35 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 provides that every person has a right of access to information held by the State; further aware that Section 95 of the County Governments Act, 2012 dictates that a county government shall establish mechanisms to facilitate public communication and access to information in the form of media with the widest public outreach in the county, which may include; television stations, information communication technology centres, websites, community radio stations, public meetings and traditional media; acknowledging that the county government is required to use media to amongst others; create awareness on devolution and governance, undertake advocacy on core development issues such as agriculture, education, health, security, economics, and sustainable environment among others; further acknowledging that from such robust means of mass media communication, the county government would be able to ensure and coordinate the participation of communities and locations in governance at the local level, as contemplated in Paragraph 14 of Part 2 of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution on county government's function; now therefore, this Assembly urges that the County Executive develops a Nairobi City County Broadcast Service Policy that shall seek to establish the Gubernatorial Digital Press Unit, the County Television and Radio Broadcast Directorate, and Customer Service & Complaint Directorate for effective dissemination of information, civic education and public participation for the residents in the County.
Notice of Motion 27th June, 2023
Mover Hon. Joyce Kamau, MCA
Seconder Hon. Diana Katile, MCA
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 1st August, 2023
Remarks Approved
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