Subject: Conveyance of courtesy request to the Senator of Nairobi City County to address the County Assembly

THAT, aware that Article 6 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 provides for the two levels of governments, at the national and county levels, which are distinct and interdependent and required to conduct their mutual relations on the basis of consultation and cooperation; further aware that Article 93(1) of the same Constitution establishes the Senate with its role provided for in Article 96, which includes but not limited to representing counties and serving to protect the interests of the counties and their governments at the national Level; noting that Article 183 (1) of the Constitution requires the Count Executive to inter-alia, implement within the county, national legislation to the extent that the legislation so requires; further noting that Section 118(1) of the County Governments Act, 2012 permits the county governments to enter into an agreement with the National Government, another county or an agency of the National Government, in order to provide or receive any service that each county participating in the agreement is empowered to provide or receive within its own jurisdiction, including services incidental to the primary purpose of any of the participating counties; appreciating that the ongoing initiatives by the National Government such as; affordable healthcare, food security, affordable housing, manufacturing, business start-ups and youth empowerment programs; further appreciating that Standing Order No. 28 of the Nairobi City County Assembly Standing Orders provides that, “The Speaker may, in consultation with the Leader of the Majority Party and the Leader of the Minority Party, allow the Senator of the County or a visiting Governor or other such visiting dignitary to address the County Assembly on such occasions as may be appropriate.” That notwithstanding; this Assembly resolves that a courtesy request be conveyed to the Right Senator of Nairobi City County, Sen. Edwin Sifuna, requesting him to address the Third Assembly of Nairobi City County at his earliest convenience on the under listed issues amongst others: -
  1. The State of the County with regard to the domestication of the National Government programs at the County level and how such can benefit the residents of the County;
  2. How the Senate can facilitate the full reversal of earlier transferred functions from the County to Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) since revenue collections as a function is yet to be fully reversed to the County Government of Nairobi;
  3. Linkages and partnerships that the National Government or its agency can engage the County Government of Nairobi for effective service delivery;
  4. Consolidation of leadership and arbitration of problems bedeviling the County; and,
  5. Any other issue that may be of importance for the County Government of Nairobi City County and its residents.
Notice of Motion 11th April, 2023
Mover Hon. Anthony Kiragu (Minority Party Leader)
Seconder Hon. Kamau Fiunifiu, MCA
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 12th April, 2023
Remarks Approved
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