Subject: Adjournment on a definite matter of urgent county importance -Release of Assembly Funds by the CECM Finance.

                   THAT, aware that Article 185 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 provides that the County Assembly while respecting the principles of separation of power, may exercise oversight over the County Executive Committee; further aware that the County Assembly received and approved various development plans for the County Executive, including the County Government budget; in addition, the Assembly has passed several resolutions which are vital for the development of the County if implemented by the County Executive; concerned that the County Executive has blatantly refused to disburse the budgeted funds for the County Assembly; further concerned that the lack of disbursement of funds in the Assembly by the Executive has greatly brought the operations of the Assembly to a halt; acknowledging that the two arms of County Government are supposed to work in harmony to ensure service delivery to the residents of this great city; this Assembly adjourns pursuant to Standing Order No. 36 to discuss on the state of the County on the deliberate refusal by the County Executive to release funds to the Assembly, which has brought its operations to autopilot.
Notice of Motion 8th March, 2023
Mover Hon. Peter Imwatok, MCA (Leader of the Majority Party)
Seconder Hon. Chege Mwaura, MCA
Division None
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 8th March, 2023
Remarks Does not require putting of question under Standing Order No. 36. Speaker Directed the Leadership and Budget Committee to intervene
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