Subject: Management and sharing Revenue from the Nairobi National Park

THAT, aware that under the Article 186 (1) of the Constitution of Kenya, and Fourth Schedule, the functions and powers of County Government, among others, covers Cultural activities, public entertainment and public amenities, including county parks and recreation facilities; further aware that paragraph 7 of the Fourth Schedule provides for the function County Government which include regulation of local tourism; acknowledging that the Nairobi National Park has attracted tourists both locally and internationally because of its strategic place and richness in various species of wildlife; concerned that despite the park being located in the County, the management and operations of the park are under the National Government which is against the spirit of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution; further concerned that the County does not share any revenue from the Park; noting that the Intergovernmental Relations Act, 2012 provides for the establishment the National and County Government Co-coordinating Summit which provide forum for consultation and co-operation between the two levels of governments, this Assembly urges the County Executive to engage the National Government with the view to jointly managing the operations of the Nairobi National Park and sharing of revenue from the Park between the National Government and the County Government.
Notice of Motion 19th November, 2019
Mover Hon. Silas Matara Ongwae, MCA
Seconder Hon. Pius Mbono, MCA
Division None
Dates Debated and/or Concluded 22nd September, 2020
Remarks Adopted
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